EU Plan for Middle-East: humanitarian aid and regional rapprochement policy under the UN’s aegis

The Foreign Affairs Council of the European Union started a week with the EU fully concentrated on the Middle-East peace and stabilisation processes. At the eve of the conference on the future of Syria, co-hosted by the UK and and the European Union in Brussels the 4th and 5th April, the Foreign Ministers dealt with the current crisis in Syria, Yemen and Libya.

Libyan court blocks the Italy-Libya deal on cooperation against illegal migration

Tripoli’s Court blocked the Italy-Libya deal. The 24th of March, the Court of the Administrative division in Tripoli ruled on the Memorandum of Understanding signed with Italy on 2nd of February this year in Rome. The court declared that “the MoU will be blocked urgently until the lawsuit is tackled in full”, the Libya Observer reported.

News Highlights: Human trafficking in Libya, Eritrea Afar displacement, famine report South Sudan

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In this week’s news highlights we will share with you the latest reports on migration and international affairs. This includes the situation of unaccompanied minors in Europe, human trafficking in the Libya and a report on South Sudan that explains how the country ended up in a state of famine and violence. This week’s news highlights also includes a press release by Eritrean Afar State in Exile concerning the displacement of indigenous people in Eritrea and the latest news about migration in Europe and the famine in the Horn of Africa.