The UN Global Compact for Migration: Issues at Stake

Even though the United Nations (UN) have endeavored to protect refugees by filling the policy gaps with legal instruments, they have not yet established a common framework for the rights of migrants. For this reason, they are trying to create a new Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration. However, some critical notes have arisen on the draft text. The final vote and adoption will take place on December 10-11, 2018 in Morocco.

Reactions to the European Commission’s proposal to upgrade Frontex

The European Commission’s plan to upgrade Frontex from a European agency with 1 500 employees into a complimentary European border and coast guard with 10 000 armed guards by 2020 has caused mixed reactions in the European Union. Under the proposal, €12.6 bn would be allocated to Frontex between 2019 and 2027, with the agency supporting national border patrols as well as coast guards and operating at the command of national authorities.

News Highlights: Eritrea-Ethiopia Peace Agreement Signed, EU Funds New Migration Action in North Africa

In this week’s news highlights: The new Eritrean-Ethiopian agreement ends no war, no peace situation; Though Eritreans are happy about the deal with Ethiopia, they remain uninformed about Afwerki’s impetus; UN extended mandate of Special Rapporteur for Eritrea; South Sudanese opposition SPLM (IO) urges for AU’s additional involvement in peace process; Eritrean Afar People’s Declaration; New booklet sheds light on Eritrea; ten NGOs send letter to the AU urging for improvement in shrinking civic space; EC announces new fund for North Africa migration management; Austrian Interior Minister wants to push EU to stop accepting asylum claims; and Doctor in Lampedusa horrified by the situation of his refugee patients.