News Highlights: NGO demands Libya war crime investigation, UN condemns Italy’s rescue fines, EU elections key for migration policy

In this week’s news highlights: UN and NGOs condemn Salvini’s rescue fines; France continues deporting Sudanese nationals; Activists protest EU cooperation with Eritrea; Federica Mogherini visits Horn of Africa; Frontex starts first operation outside EU territory; Testimony of a Ugandan woman on the Greek island of Samos; Amnesty states war crimes may have been committed in Libya; UN envoy warns international community to stop arms flow;  Khalifa Haftar refuses ceasefire; Christians in Eritrea arrested ahead of independence day; Concern for IDPs in Ethiopia; Eritrean President meets with Transitional Military Council in Sudan; Sudan protesters call for strike; South Sudanese Government is sued by civil society over unity delay.

News Highlights: Crimes in Darfur continue, Brussels Demonstration demands protection in Libya, IOM’s return scheme puts refugees at risk

In this week’s news highlights: Hundreds of refugees demonstrate against entrapment and abuse in Libya; Mare Jonio and Sea Watch 3 boats to resume work at the end of May; Conference on democracy in Eritrea hits a nerve; Appointments for asylum in Greece set in 2023 – system is overloaded; Refugees in Europe live longer but are more traumatised, states report; EU planning a conference on Horn of Africa economic development; Religious freedom in Eritrea and Sudan; RSF still perpetrates crimes and violence in Darfur; Corruption in South Sudan; Refugees at risk over ‘voluntary’ return from Libya; Sudanese people refouled to Libya die in Meditteranean sea; One in three died along the central Mediterranean route in 2019.

News Highlights: Al-Bashir steps down, Libya crisis escalates, Detained refugees terrified amidst clashes in Libya

In this week’s highlights: President al-Bashir steps down after 3 months of protests; US delegation calls for the release of an American citizen who grew up in Eritrea; Eritrean Government accuses Turkey Qatar and Sudan of ‘subversive acts’ for backing Eritrean Islamists; Alan Kurdi rescue ship is still waiting for a safe port; Geneva Declaration on Human Rights at Sea is published by Human Rights at Sea; Report of the Roundtable “Inhumane treatments and trafficking of people in Libya: EU and EU Member states’ responsibility; Fighting continues in Libya; Human trafficking in the Mediterranean Sea operated by Libyan militia continues as conflict rages in Tripoli; Thousands of refugees in danger in Libya; Young Eritrean calls from detention centre in Libya.