News Highlights: Conference Eritrea in Brussels, Dawit Isaak shortlisted for Sakharov Prize, situation in Sabratha critical

In this week’s news highlights: Brussels conference ‘Eritrea and the Ongoing Refugee Crisis’ next week; Eritrean official denied entry at conference US, sparks rumors of arrest; protests in Ethiopia; food shortage for South Sudanese refugees in Uganda; OXFAM published a report warning EU about its migration policies; ‘illegal migrant smuggling’ topping EU security priorities; Dawit Isaak shortlisted as finalist for EU Sakharov prize; Merkel agrees on 200.000 net migration limit; migrants and refugees in Sabratha left stranded after fighting.

News Highlights: Ethiopia frees 2 Eritrean journalists, pregnant refugee healthcare, Greece under pressure

In this week’s news highlights: Greece is under pressure due to a new peak in arrival of migrants and refugees; Italian court case against suspected human trafficker continues, despite allegations that the wrong person was arrested; EU doctors state present report, stating that pregnant refugees must have access to better health care; Two Eritrean journalists freed in Ethiopia; Al-Shabab militia strike outside Mogadishu; Somalia to host large Turkish military base; and human rights groups are concerned lifting of US sanctions against Sudan might cause human rights issues.

News Highlights: Swiss ruling returning Eritreans, Sudan deports 30 children, Libya detention centre video

In this week’s news highlights: A Swiss court ruling has stated that any Eritrean who has completed the national service can be sent back to Eritrea; UN official warns that South Sudan’s planned election might prolong the civil war; NGO warns that Ethiopia is not to be trusted with respecting the rights of political opponents; 30 Eritrean children forced to return from Sudan, and many other people at imminent risk; US to stop issuing certain visas for Eritreans over refusing deportations; Somalia in intensive fights against the Islamic-State on the southern border of the country; and a video of Libya’s ‘lawless’ migrant detention centres.