News Highlights: Sudan’s civilians and military reach agreement, airstrike kills 44 migrants and refugees in Libya, Captain Sea-Watch freed

In this week’s news highlights: Sudan’s military and civilian groups reach agreement, Snipers opened fire during a civilian protest march; Ethiopia and Eritrea to connect naval infrastructure; Eritrea is chairing the UNHRC despite human rights abuses; Eritrean protest symbols features by Italian draughtsman; Migrants detained in a Libyan hangar died of hunger, thirst and diseases; Libyan military strikes killed and injured hundreds of migrants; Canadian firm’s contract with Sudan denounced by Amnesty International; Arrested German captain of the rescue ship finally freed by Italian court; The court rules out the transfer under the Dublin regulation; the US and China are in feud over influence in Africa.

Letter: Appeal for an EU external policy framework based on European values

A letter was sent today, 18 June 2019, to Mr. Donald Tusk, President of the European Council. The letter urges the European Union to respond to concerns raised about the European Union’s funding and cooperation with external actors in the context of platforms such as the Khartoum Process. The letter was signed by Nobel-prize Nominee, Fr. Mussie Zerai, Prof. Dr. Mirjam van Reisen, journalist Reem Abbas and Director Koert Debeuf, on behalf of over 20 organisations.

Lawyers submit document to the ICC, calling for investigation of deaths linked to EU migration pushback

On Monday, 3 June 2019, a group of international lawyers submitted a legal document to the International Criminal Court (ICC), in which they call for open investigation of the EU migration policies that, according to lawyers, contributed to the death of thousands migrants crossing Mediterranean sea. This punitive action is directed against the EU and its’ member states that played important role during migration crisis, particularly Italy, Germany and France.