NEWS HIGHLIGHTS: humanitarian visas, human trafficking business, testimonies of Eritrean refugees

In this week’s news highlights we would like to inform you about the upcoming side-event on the UN Commission of Inquiry on Eritrea (COI) follow-up at the UN Human Rights Council, the European Court of Justice decision on humanitarian visas and Hungary’s new measures against refugees. News highlights at the Horn of Africa are: new testimonies from Eritrean refugees, peace efforts in Sudan and war crimes South Sudan.

Home Office imposes strict eligibility rules for relocation minors

Two days ago the UK government has taken a clear step back from its commitment to take in half of the 2.000 children that were staying in Calais at the time of its demolition. In the debate on the topic of the “Calais Children and Immigration Act” on 16 November, UK’s minister of Immigration Robert Goodwill announced new eligibility criteria for refugee children that are supposed to be transferred from France to Britain with the demolition of the shanty towns. The new criteria limit admission to unaccompanied minors that are aged 12 or under; at high risk of sexual exploitation; aged 15 or under and of Sudanese or Syrian nationality.

New ideas and familiar outcomes at the special meeting on migration and EU External Action

On Tuesday, the 11th October, the committees on foreign affairs and development held a joint meeting to discuss European Union’s external action in view of migration and refugee movements. The meeting provided the chance for participants of the European Youth Event to express their views on the current refugee crises and to present their ideas for constructive solutions. Speakers of this event were Matthäus Fandrejewski, Linda Slapakova and Andrea Gabriela.