Horn Highlights: Situation reports 209 t/m 211

In this week’s Horn Highlights: Tensions continue to be high in the Horn region. Tensions between the Ethiopian government and the FANO militia in Amhara cause Eritrean refugees to fear they may soon need to flee. Hunger as a cause of drought and lack of aid remains of high concern in the Horn region and the Tigray region in particular; despite an increase in aid to Tigray last week. 

Horn Highlights: Report of mass killing in Afar town, Video shows Ethiopia/Eritrea cooperation, US sanctions Somali officials

In this week’s Horn Highlights: Ethiopian-allied forces accused of killings of Tigrayans; Impact of drone strikes; Tigray report says over 120.000 women and girls raped in Tigray; Video appears to show Eritrean and thiopian military cooperation during a time where it was denied; UAE sends humanitarian aid to Tigray; Analyts says clear links exist between Eritrea, Ethiopia, Somalia; US sanctions Somali officials over election delays; China appoints a special Horn envoy.

News Highlights: AU suspends Sudan amidst coup, Sanctions against Libyan detention chief, Greek camps detain migrants illegally

In this week news highlights: African Union suspends Sudan’s Membership; Guterres appeals to the UNSC for effective deterrence against coups; Millions called to protest the Coup; US Senators call on Ethiopia to take action to avert revocation of AGOA benefits; Government airstrike kills 6; British-Canadian researcher sentenced to 5 year for espionage in Somalia; International Crisis Group suggest a roadmap out of the Tigray conflict; Millions of Somalis will rely on humanitarian aid by 2022; LGBTQ refugees facing violence and discrimination in Kenya; Humanitarian flights from Libya restarted; UN and US impose sanctions against Libyan detention centre manager Osama Al Kuni Ibrahim; Eritrean human trafficker Kidane Zekarias Habtemariam target of international investigation; The EU will not fund a wall to prevent migration at the Belarus border; Migrants and refugees held in dire conditions in Greek camps; Polish border guards use tear gas against migrants; Italy’s former Interior Minister Matteo Salvini on trial for kidnapping; Facebook platforms exploited by human traffickers; and Millions newly displaced by climate change.