News Highlights: First shipwreck of the year off Libya, Frontex Director under scrutiny, Desperate humanitarian needs in Tigray

In this week’s news highlights: Dire needs as population and refugees in Tigray region face hunger and starvation; Amidst relocation, refugees at Sudanese border require supplies; Witness report of killings in Axum; At least 43 sea casualties off Libyan shores; Frontex Director under pressure amidst allegations of illegal pushbacks and misleading MEPs; EU Court of Justice rules it prohibited to deport minors without ensuring adequate reception services; IOM advocates reform of European migration policy under current EU Presidency; Major COVID-19 outbreak among asylum seekers in Kent barracks; 150 migrants and refugees attempted to climb over the fence into the Spanish enclave Melilla; Long-term accommodation needed in Bosnia and Herzegovina for refugees and migrants; 1.3 millions of migrants left the UK in one year; In the fight against COVID-19, vaccination for refugees and migrants are critical; Migration expected in 2020 falls short due to COVID-19. 

For frequent updates about the situation in the Horn, please see the EEPA Horn situation reports. 

News highlights: Border skirmish between Ethiopia and Sudan, 30 migrants and refugees murdered in Libya, NGO health workers in Somalia abducted and executed

In this week’s news highlights: Somalian NGO health workers abducted and murdered; Border skirmish on Ethiopia-Sudan border; Amnesty International urges Ethiopia to prosecute human rights violations of security forces; TPLF calls for elections; Eritrean organisations write to Abiy Ahmed over refugee policy; Reports of deliberate starvation in Eritrea; Dire situation in Eritrea explained 2 years after the peace agreement; Malta and Libya to set up ‘centres’ countering migration; Dutch foreign affairs minister answers parliamentary questions on Eritrea; European Parliament asks the EU to stop forced labour; Local Greeks protest expansion of migrant camp; Asylum seekers in Greece protest eviction; UNHCR concerned over asylum seekers in Greece; ECRE overview of COVID-19 response in Europe; 30 migrants and refugees murdered in Libya by trafficker’s family; UK’s financial support to Libya under judicial review; UNICEF helps displaced families near Tripoli; And Africa needs solidarity amid economic and health consequences of COVID-19