News Highlights: Ethiopia’s navy plans, Eritrea takes chair of Khartoum Process, report accuses EU of complicity in refugee abuse

In this week’s news highlights: Eritrea chairs the Khartoum process; France to help Ethiopia in building its navy; the Ethiopian Airlines disaster; Eritrean civil society launches social media campaign against the regime; the UN Human rights Council discusses human rights in Eritrea; Sudanese President reshuffles cabinet; Libya asks support in rescue activity in the desert; Panel on Libya crimes in Geneva; German Government responds to voluntary returns in the context of the EU-Turkey deal, and Amnesty International condemns EU for accountability in abuses along Balkan Route and the EU responsibility in Libya humans rights violations. 

News Highlights: Sudan-Eritrea border to reopen, CSOs call for UN mission in Sudan, Sea-Watch 3 finally docks

In this week’s news highlights: Civil society organisations call for international fact finding mission in Sudan; arrests continue in Sudan despite order to release prisoners; border between Eritrea and Sudan will reopen after a year; UPR review for Eritrea takes place; roadmap for cooperation Eritrea-Ethiopia is ready, says Ethiopia; 350 migrants evacuated from Yemen; ship with 47 migrants finally allowed to dock; Nigerian girls trafficked for prostitution in Italy; EU is building walls by supporting dictatorial regime, states article; France evacuates Paris migrant camp; UNHCR evacuates first people from Libya in 2019; and a teenager in the UK tells his harrowing Libya story.

News Highlights: European Parliament condemns al-Bashir in resolution, New refugee proclamation in Ethiopia, Refugees in Libya starve as clashes erupt

In this week’s news highlights: European Parliament condemns al-Bashir in resolution on Sudan protests; Ethiopia ratifies new refugee proclamation; terrorist attack in Kenya; Four commercial checkpoints to open along Ethiopia/Eritrea border; Resilient smuggling networks are still active between Sudan and Eritrea; Eritrea attempts to intimidate BBC; refugees without food and water after clashes in Libya; European Parliament debates asylum and migration policy; Switzerland concludes return agreement with Ethiopia; EU increasingly relying on “informal” migrant returns to Sub-Saharan Africa: report; OECD report about economic chances of migration; and Merkel says EU Turkey deal is dysfunctional. In other news: new report on human trafficking for ransom and protests in Zimbabwe.