News Highlights: Israel re-examines asylum cases, new ruling Chairman in Ethiopia, rescue NGO accused of human trafficking

In this week’s news highlights: Israel re-examines Eritrean cases for asylum; Amnesty International condemns Israeli refugee policy; Abiy Ahmed elected head of EPRDF ruling coalition in Ethiopia;10.000 displaced Ethiopians in Kenya; South Sudan claims Sudan threatens their sovereignty; Number of incidents with car bombs in Somalia; Many Somali refugees return home to help rebuild it; Spanish NGO accused of trafficking after refusing to send rescued people to Libya; and the EU prioritizes migration in new partnership with Africa.

Israel: Supreme Court suspends government plans to deport African immigrants until they have further information

Yesterday, Thursday 15 March, the Israeli Supreme Court temporarily suspended the government’s deportation scheme, giving the state until 26 March to provide further information of their plans to deport around 40.000 asylum seekers, mainly from Eritrea. Until they providefurther information, the Israel cannot deport the African immigrants.

News Highlights: Ethiopia’s PM resigns, arrests Sudan continue, Hungary moves against NGOs

In this week’s news highlights: Ethiopian PM resigns; arrests of opposition leaders in Sudan continue; fatal accident in Libyakills at least 19 smuggled Eritreans, Somalis and Ethiopians; background to Israel’s plans todeport thousands of Eritreans and Sudanese;Rwanda continues to deny any agreement with Israel for the deportation of asylum seekers; Hungary submits measuresagainst NGOs assisting migrants to the parliament; UK to create and circulate anti-immigration campaign; politics is the barrier of solving migration issue, not migration itself, IOM chief says; European Commission’s resettlement measures waiting for response from member states.