Horn Highlights: Report of mass killing in Afar town, Video shows Ethiopia/Eritrea cooperation, US sanctions Somali officials

In this week’s Horn Highlights: Ethiopian-allied forces accused of killings of Tigrayans; Impact of drone strikes; Tigray report says over 120.000 women and girls raped in Tigray; Video appears to show Eritrean and thiopian military cooperation during a time where it was denied; UAE sends humanitarian aid to Tigray; Analyts says clear links exist between Eritrea, Ethiopia, Somalia; US sanctions Somali officials over election delays; China appoints a special Horn envoy.

News Highlights: UN report on Libyan atrocities, Somalia and UAE tension, EP report condemns Hungary

In this week’s news highlights: Israel’s government given until 15 April to show Uganda deal; UN report on detention and torture in Libya;Seizure of money in Somalia creates political upsurge; Darfur rebel group asks for humanitarian help; Sudanese President reported to have ordered release of detainees; Hearing on Eritrea’s refugees taking place in Washington; Ethiopian President asks for unity; and a European Parliament draft report calls for the Council to take strong action against Hungary over migration.

Rising tension in Horn of Africa region

In the initial weeks of 2018, the Sudanese president Omar al-Bashir announced the closure of the border with Eritrea which was was followed by the deployment of militia forces to the bordering regions. The reason for the border closing has not officially been made clear and Sudan has denied tension between the two countries. This manoeuvre comes just after the declaration of a six-month state of emergency in the Sudanese regions of Kassala and North Kordofan. The official motivation given for the state of emergency  was the Sudanese campaign against the trafficking of human beings, weapons, and drugs and in those border regions.