Conference ‘Eritrea and the Ongoing Refugee Crisis’ draws large crowd

A mixed crowd of policy makers, experts, lawyers and other interested people came together last Thursday, 19th of October, in Brussels for the Conference ‘Eritrea and the Ongoing Refugee Crisis’. The conference, which was the result of long preparation, was organised by EMDHR, EEPA, pro-asyl, Connection E.v., War Resisters’ International, and Eritrean Law Society. It was hosted by the representation of the state of Hessen to the European Union.

News Highlights: Swiss ruling returning Eritreans, Sudan deports 30 children, Libya detention centre video

In this week’s news highlights: A Swiss court ruling has stated that any Eritrean who has completed the national service can be sent back to Eritrea; UN official warns that South Sudan’s planned election might prolong the civil war; NGO warns that Ethiopia is not to be trusted with respecting the rights of political opponents; 30 Eritrean children forced to return from Sudan, and many other people at imminent risk; US to stop issuing certain visas for Eritreans over refusing deportations; Somalia in intensive fights against the Islamic-State on the southern border of the country; and a video of Libya’s ‘lawless’ migrant detention centres.

EU Plan for Middle-East: humanitarian aid and regional rapprochement policy under the UN’s aegis

The Foreign Affairs Council of the European Union started a week with the EU fully concentrated on the Middle-East peace and stabilisation processes. At the eve of the conference on the future of Syria, co-hosted by the UK and and the European Union in Brussels the 4th and 5th April, the Foreign Ministers dealt with the current crisis in Syria, Yemen and Libya.