Vulnerabilities in Sudan: UN Sudan representative speaks in the European Parliament

Recently, Development Committee (DEVE) of the European Parliament (EP) hosted Matthew Hollingworth, acting UN Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator in Sudan who discussed about the issues at stake in Sudan, and how funding for development goes hand in hand with politics.

News Highlights: Israel cancels refugee plan with UN, Dutch Minister calls for closing of Libya detention centres, Ethiopian President speaks of peace with Eritrea

In this week’s news highlights: Netanyahu cancels plan with UNHCR for refugee resettlement; new Ethiopian President expresses efforts for peace towards Eritrea;Al-Shabab attacks AU troops in Somalia; Four African countries set to cooperate to fight crime;The story of an Eritrean refugee from Africa Monitors; Dutch Minister urges for closure of “inhumane” Libyan detention centers; European Commission announces new emergency aid to Greece; Frontex says smuggling activity is more organized now;; and UN chief economist worried about food security.