Horn Highlights: Millions severely food-insecure in Tigray, conditions for national dialogue, UN visits Eritrea

Horn  Highlights: Millions severely food-insecure in Tigray, conditions for national dialogue, UN visits Eritrea In this week’s Horn Highlights: WFP finds severe food insecurity in Tigray, UNSC meets on Tigray, Ethiopian Airlines employees are fleeing Ethiopia; OLA and Oromo organisations … Continued

News Highlights: WFP suspends aid to Dessie and Kombolcha, Refugees protest in Libya, Increasing ‘digital deterrents’ for migrants in EU

In this week news highlights: WFP halts food aid to Dessie and Kombolcha amidst looting; Experts warn over potential consequences of lack of action in Ethiopia; Feltman to visit UAE, Egypt, Turkey; UNHCR and Ethiopia issue joint call for more … Continued

News Highlights: UN staff expelled from Ethiopia, Alleged trafficker ‘Bija’ to head coast guard, Another death at Polish border

In this week news highlights: Ethiopia declares seven UN staff persona non grata, including head of UNOCHA; Aid trucks stuck in Tigray; Malnutrition rates amongst pregnant and lactating women ‘unprecedented’, says UNOCHA; US reviewing whether genocide was committed in Tigray; Report on disinformation around Tigray war; EU answers questions on its policy towards Tigray; WFP cuts food assistance to thousands of refugees in Kenya; Bija – sanctioned over trafficking allegations – to head western Libyan coast guard; Libya accused of arbitrary detention of migrants; Over 800 migrants and refugees land in Italy; France will cut visas for Mashreq countries; Fifth migrant found dead at Poland-Belarusian border; Poland accused of illegal pushback; and New IOM toolbox for migrant centres management.